Save Money in College

Save Money in College – Yes, It’s Possible!

Saving Money in College, it’s unheard of, isn’t it? You might not believe it, but it is possible! College is so expensive these days. Anything you can do to make it less expensive or you can do to save money where you can is of prime importance. I know you want to hear more about this. Let’s get started with ways to save money in college.

Join Clubs to Save Money in College

Many teens dream about finding their group of friends through joining sororities or fraternities in college. Although while Greek life does have its benefits, it is very expensive to be part of these organizations. You are looking at approximately $500-$1000 every month on top of all the other college expenses just to go Greek. If this sounds outrageous and not within your budget, I would recommend your child get involved in clubs that interest them instead.

Universities have just about every type of organization you can think of. I’m sure your child can find a handful that are of interest to them. Joining a club will still give your child the benefit of being part of a group, meeting lots of new people, making friends, and being involved…and the best part…most clubs are free to join. Even if they are not free, their cost will definitely not compare to the cost of pledging to a sorority or fraternity.

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Attend Campus Events for Entertainment

Universities hold many events to get college kids involved with campus life. Many of these events are free. And by the way, when I say free, I mean that you are already paying for these events as part of the tuition and fees. As we all know young adults don’t like to be bored. Instead of them leaving campus and spending money for their entertainment, first, teach them to look at the events that are happening on campus that they could attend for free. This is another great way to meet lots of college students without spending additional money on their entertainment.

Use the Campus Gym

Again this is another one of those things you are already paying for in your child’s tuition and fees. So, instead of them getting a gym membership off campus, have them use the gym on campus. Why spend money on something you have already bought?

Use the Printers Provided on Campus

If your child lives on campus, they will have access to printers. I know I sound like a broken record now, but this is another example of something you are already paying for. Take advantage of that! There are usually many printers in the university library, in their dorms, in their classroom buildings, and in the student union. Have them check with their advisors if they don’t know where to access the printers. I promise they will find plenty once they ask.

Walk or Ride a Bike to Save Money in College

If your child lives on campus or near campus, there really is no reason for them to drive anywhere. University campuses’ have everything a college student needs within walking distance. Walking or riding a bike provides the opportunity to save money on gas, parking permits, and parking tickets (because you know it is going to happen if they bring a car to campus)! Plus it’s a great way to get in some exercise and lose the freshmen fifteen!

Eat Out Only on Rare Occasions

If your child is a college freshman, they most likely will be required to live on campus and purchase a meal plan. This meal plan will provide all they need for each of their meals. Many universities have several different options for dining. Make sure your child researches the dining options for using their meal plan. They will be surprised at the variety of choices they have. There is no reason to consistently eat off campus and spend money at restaurants when you can likely find the same food options on campus and use that meal plan that you have already paid for.

Learn to Cook if Living Off Campus

If your child is living off-campus, teach them to cook before they leave for college. Cooking meals at home instead of eating out at a restaurant is a great way to save money. There are plenty of simple meals your children can learn to make while in middle school and high school. Start prepping them how to successfully be an adult now. And there aren’t many more basic skills to teach them than how to provide themselves with food after they are no longer living with Mom.

Saving Money When you Go Out to Eat

While I do think limiting eating out is wise and a good way to save money, there are times when you will want to eat out with friends. And that is ok! But learn ways to limit the amount you spend at a restaurant. One way to do this is to always order water for your drink. Drinks, other than water, will cost you usually $2-$5. This cost can really add up. Another way to save money at a restaurant is to order an appetizer for your meal instead of an entree. Appetizers are usually half the price of the entrees listed on the menu – another cost savings! Another way you can save money eating out is to either split your meal with a friend, each of you eating and paying for half of one entree. And one last way to save money at a restaurant is to ask for a to-go box as soon as you order your food. When you receive the entree, put half of it in the to-go box and take it home for supper. Two meals from one; that makes your meal half price!

Learn to Make Their Own Coffee

Coffee is so popular right now. All the different blends, syrups, brews, hot, cold, iced, blended…I could go on and on. But, usually, your child has their favorites. If they do, make them learn to make their own. It may be a little difficult to get it just right and just as the coffeehouse makes, but they will be surprised at how close they can get. Have them ask the coffee house what type of coffee they use and what they put in their favorite drink. Most of the time you can get that information. Then go online and buy the items needed to make that type of coffee. Then it’s all about finding the right ratios of the ingredients. A little trial and error and they will from now on save $2-$3 per cup. Over time this saved money will really add up.

Limit the Use of Bottled Water to Save Money in College

We are all guilty of using too much bottled water. They are just so convenient and have that consistent taste. However, there is a much cheaper way to have this same convenience and consistency. Purchase your child a filtered water pitcher and a few refillable tumblers. In a matter of a few months, you will pay for the pitcher and the tumblers just from the cost savings of not using bottled water.

These are just a few easy ways to save money in college. These ideas can be easily implemented. I hope this helps you save a little money while paying for all the inevitable college expenses. Maybe you will find other cost-saving ideas along the way you can share with the rest of us. I know as a parent of a college student, I would appreciate any ideas that I can get. Leave me a comment or send me an email if you have great cost-saving ideas that have worked for you.

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College is ridiculously expensive. Is it even possible to save money in college? Yes! Learn some easy ways to save money, or not duplicate spending, while in college.
College is ridiculously expensive. Is it even possible to save money in college? Yes! Learn some easy ways to save money, or not duplicate spending, while in college.
College is ridiculously expensive. Is it even possible to save money in college? Yes! Learn some easy ways to save money, or not duplicate spending, while in college.


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