High School Memorabilia

Packing up Your Child’s High School Memorabilia

While my child is at college, I want her to feel like she can return home and have the comforts of her own room anytime she wants. Because of this, I have chosen to keep her room as it was in high school. This includes all of her high school memorabilia. However, once she graduates college she will need to pack up her memorabilia and take it with her to her home.

College is an important transition period for most young adults. Most college students are still dependent financially and many times emotionally on their parents. By the time they reach college graduation, they should have a job or at least be actively searching for one. They should also be less emotionally dependant on you. The transition time is almost complete. For our family, this seems like the right time to pack up my child’s high school memorabilia as we are both moving to a new phase in our lives.

The timing of this transition is different for each family. But at some point, you should decide when the right time is. However, the optimum time for packing up your child’s high school memorabilia is between their High School graduation and the time they have their own place to live. The reason this timing is important is it helps you, the parent, fully move into the empty nesting phase. It also helps your child understand that while they will always be welcome to visit, they are now an adult and don’t have a permanent room in your house.

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This may sound harsh or scary and bring out negative emotions. But, after the initial sting of this change, it will produce positive emotions and healthy boundaries between you and your child. Let’s discuss in more detail the benefits of packing up your child’s high school memorabilia during this transition period.

Packing up Memorabilia While Memories are Fresh, but Not Too Fresh

Deciding to clean out your child’s high school memorabilia during this timeframe is a benefit because your child is still young and has plenty of memories of high school. At this age, they are young enough to remember what items mean the most to them. Waiting at least a couple of years past high school is probably the best option. This allows them to have some life experiences after high school. By doing this, they will be able to make good choices about what to keep and what to get rid of without being too sentimental about every single item.

Go Through Child’s High School Memorabilia Before Their Life Gets Too Busy

As with everyone, life gets busy. Starting a new job, getting married, and starting a family can cause your child to get busy. Nothing new here, we’ve all been there. Cleaning out your child’s high school memorabilia before all these things start happening in their lives is best. Waiting too long after this transition period means you just might be storing their memorabilia for a lot longer than you would like! Becoming your child’s private storage unit could cause negative emotions. If you notice these feelings, it is because a boundary has been crossed. At this point, the best thing to do is to pack up all your child’s high school memorabilia. During your next visit to their home, kindly give them their packed-up items. You have politely created a new boundary. You now have your room or space back, and they now have the responsibility of their own memorabilia.

Packing up Your Child’s High School Memorabilia Allows You to Move Forward as an Empty Nester

Once you have cleared out your child’s high school memorabilia, you will have extra space. If you haven’t already decided what you want to do with the space, it’s ok, now is the time. The space is yours. Dream big! Have you always wanted a craft room? Do you want your own home gym or home theater? Or maybe you would like a home office. It doesn’t matter what you choose, just choose. Have fun making it what you want. Make it a space you love to hang out in. If you are happy while in the room, you have successfully moved to your next stage of empty nesting! Congrats on a job well done! You did it, Momma!

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Ever wondered when you should pack up your child's high school memorabilia? There is a perfect time to do this that benefits both you and your child.
Ever wondered when you should pack up your child's high school memorabilia? There is a perfect time to do this that benefits both you and your child.
Ever wondered when you should pack up your child's high school memorabilia? There is a perfect time to do this that benefits both you and your child.


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