Joint and Muscle Pain from Computer Work

Joint and Muscle Pain Beyond 40

Wow! What happened? A year past 45 and my body disowned me! It has turned on me and revolted. Joint and muscle pain had set in. I thought I had been good to my body and had taken care of it. I walked three times a week, occasionally added in some strength training or yoga, and for the most part, I ate healthy foods. But, this last year I have learned my aging body needs changes to the way I exercise.

I have been to physical therapy (PT) two different times this year for two different body parts. In my first round of PT, I was dealing with chronic joint and muscle pain and soreness in my hips. The second time I was dealing with chronic muscle pain in my neck and shoulders. The culprits…sitting all day in front of a computer and weak muscles. Here are some ways that have worked for me to combat joint and muscle pain now that I am over 40.

Sit Less and Move More to Combat Joint and Muscle Pain

I have worked at a computer all day for the last 23 years. The majority of my day is sitting. There are days when things are so busy at work, I don’t even notice when 2-3 hours have passed and I have not moved from my seat at my computer. That has to change! My physical therapist recommended after working 30-45 minutes seated at my computer, I should stand up and move. This can be standing up at your desk and continue working (if you have an adjustable height desk), going to make copies, getting a cup of coffee, etc. Anything to get you out of your seat and moving for five minutes. Set a timer on your phone or computer if you have problems remembering (like me)!

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Sit up Straight

Ever notice how you sit in your favorite chair or at your desk? It is likely not great; shoulders rounded forward, spine rounded, hips unaligned and leaning over to one side or the other, and neck craned over our phone or other electronic devices. This was me. I still have to work on this. It is hard to break the habits you have had for so many years. But I am working on being mindful to sit up straight with both feet on the floor, aligning my hips, keeping my shoulders down and back and head balanced throughout the day. It’s hard to remember, but worth it.

Add Strength Training to Your Exercise Routine to Combat Joint and Muscle Pain

I love strength training, but for some reason a few years back I got lazy and decided it was easier just to get on my treadmill and put in my 30 minutes. I realize now that was a big mistake. Aerobic exercise is important, so don’t completely switch to only strength training. Make sure you find a routine that incorporates both. As with starting any new exercise routine, you should contact your physician before beginning. If you need help with finding the right strength training exercises many gyms have trainers you can ask. There are also so many great at-home options these days with social media and online memberships. Start slow and don’t overdo it. Remember we are not still 20 years old. Don’t compare yourself to the younger version of yourself, that is a great way to lose motivation. If you can only do 5 repetitions of the exercise, start there and work your way to 10. And when you do, be proud of your progress.

Sitting less, moving more, sitting up straight, and adding strength training to my exercise routine have helped with my joint and muscle pain. I hope these ideas can help you with any joint and muscle pain you are experiencing. As for any chronic pain you are experiencing, a visit to your doctor to rule out any serious issues will help you get a start at a solution for your joint and muscle pain.

What has worked for you to combat joint and muscle pain? I would love to hear from you!

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Are you over 40 and work at a computer all day? Beware of joint and muscle pain that can occur as a result. Here are some ways to remedy this pain.
Are you over 40 and work at a computer all day? Beware of joint and muscle pain that can occur as a result. Here are some ways to remedy this pain.
Are you over 40 and work at a computer all day? Beware of joint and muscle pain that can occur as a result. Here are some ways to remedy this pain.


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