Healthy Snacks for College Students

Fostering Healthy Snacking In Teens

Eating healthy is not typically the first thing on teen’s or young adult’s minds. It’s hard to instill the benefits of healthy snacking in teens when they have little desire to eat healthy and they are on the go all the time. But if they are not taught now to seek out healthy snacks, they may have a very hard time eating healthy when they are out on their own.

The two most important qualities to look for when determining what is a healthy snack and what isn’t are protein and fiber. Snack foods with protein are satisfying and will help your child stay full longer. Fiber is also filling and helps with digestion. Looking for these two qualities will provide a snack food that will help your child eat less by keeping them full longer.

Another quality your child should avoid is foods with added or excessive amounts of sugar. There is nothing wrong with a little sugar now and then. However, sugar can be very addicting and adds a lot of empty calories. By keeping an eye on sugar intake, your child will limit their empty calorie intake that only adds weight and not nutrition. Now that your child has the keys to what to look for in a healthy snack, let’s take a look at some healthy snack options.

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Protein-Packed Healthy Snacks

Look for snacks that have at least 5 grams of protein per serving. This is an amount of protein per serving that will give your child the feeling of being full. Here are some great healthy snacking options that are perfect for teens and young adults.

  1. Nuts or Nut Butters. Nuts are so easy. All it takes is popping open a bag or can and munching away. Because there is a great variety of different kinds of nuts, I’m sure your child can find one or more that he will love snacking on. Nut Butters are such a great option also. Nut butter can be paired with bread or crackers. For a bit more sweetness, pair nut butter with apples or bananas.
  2. Cheese Sticks or Cottage Cheese. Cheese of any kind is another great source of protein. Cheese sticks are a handy grab-and-go option if your child is heading out the door and needs a snack. Cheese also pairs well with crackers or apples. Cottage cheese is another popular snack that has a lot of protein. Purchase individual single-serve packages for easy grab-and-go options.
  3. Jerky. There are many different types of jerky. One of my favorites is turkey sticks. They are more like little sausage links than jerky. But whatever type your child prefers, jerky is a perfect source of protein that will fill them up and keep them full. This is another great healthy snack grab-and-go option.
  4. Tuna: Tuna may not have been your next guess for a healthy snack for college dorm life. However, now that grocery stores have the pre-seasoned tuna pouches, it is a great simple protein-packed snack. Paired with some crackers and some baby carrots and this snack becomes a great lunch, too!

Healthy Sweet Treats

Not all sweet treats are bad or unhealthy. However, it is important to eat sweet treats in moderation even the ones that have some health benefits. Here is a list of a few sweet treats that have health benefits and would be great options to keep teens and young adults snacking healthy.

  1. Yogurt: Yogurt is a perfect option for a sweet treat that is also healthy. It is packed with protein and probiotics. Probiotics are good for digestive health. The variety of yogurt is pretty endless. Some yogurts are fruit-flavored. Other yogurts have chocolate chips and coconut flakes. You name it, they probably have that flavor.
  2. Fruit: Nature’s sweet treat! Fruit is one of the best healthy sweet treats as fruits are naturally sweet, have many vitamins, and are low in calories. Some fruits can be a great grab-and-go option also, such as apples, bananas, and oranges.
  3. Granola Bars: When selecting granola bars your child will need to be careful. Some granola bars can be packed with lots of added sugar. The added sugar defeats the healthy aspects of the snack. To select a healthier granola bar, look for those that have less sugar and more protein.
  4. Chocolate Milk: This is one of my favorite sweet treats that has healthy aspects. While you wouldn’t necessarily think chocolate milk is healthy, it is filled with protein. Look for a lower fat option, such as 1% milk. Chocolate milk is a great exercise recovery drink, also. Maybe this could be motivation for your child to get up and move. Who wouldn’t want to exercise if they were treated at the end with a nice cold glass of chocolate milk!

Healthy Midnight Snacks for College Students

Midnight Snacks can be so unhealthy! That is why it is good for your child to keep stocked up on healthy options. Teens and young adults are notorious for late nights. Therefore, it’s inevitable that there will be many nights they will need to have healthy snacks on hand to keep them from turning to unhealthy options. Here are some midnight snacks that are healthier than those fast food options, bags of chips, or cookies.

  1. Popcorn: Popcorn is a great midnight snack. It is crunchy and delicious. It has fiber, which will give your child the feeling of being full. On its own without added toppings is low calorie too. My favorite is kettle corn because it has a hint of sweetness. A great snack for late-night studying which always gave me the munchies!
  2. Veggies and Hummus: This is a very nutritious snack with all the vitamins veggies and hummus provides, and it is very satisfying. The crisp and crunchy vegetables paired with the hummus have great texture. Hummus comes in a variety of flavors to meet anyone’s late-night cravings.
  3. Trail Mix: Trail mix has the protein to help your child fill full. Depending on the variety of trail mix it can also have the sweetness from dried fruits or chocolate chips. The perfect midnight snack, salty, sweet, and filling!
  4. Tortilla Chips and Salsa: This may not be quite as healthy as some of the other options, but it is still not terribly unhealthy. If your child is craving something salty, this is a good option…in moderation. It is certainly better than salty french fries or a bag of potato chips, which is what many teens and young adults normally turn to when craving that salty flavor.

Now that we have discussed several options for healthy snacks for teens, you should be ready to help your child make good snaking decisions now and in the future. Remember to show them how to look at the nutritional label on foods. The important nutritional values to determine healthy snacks are higher protein, higher fiber, and lower sugar. Learning healthy snacking while young will help your child continue healthy eating throughout their adult life.


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