Outdoor Dates

10 Outdoor Dates for Empty Nesters (to Rekindle Your Romance)

Dates…Ya’ll remember those, right??  Way back when, before children’s events and schedules took over all our free time, we used to get dressed up, spend time making ourselves look our best and be excited to spend one-on-one time doing anything with our significant other.  It’s been a long time, hasn’t it? Believe me, I know all too well how much time is spent sitting in gyms and at fields watching your children play ball or sitting in the audience watching your child perform in the latest school play or band concert.  We all do it, and it is important to be supportive of our children and their activities.  And I wouldn’t trade any of it for a second, but over time it consumes all our time.  As a result, little time is left to connect with our spouse. Well, now that we are empty nesters and before we start filling up our free time with other things, it’s time to rekindle that friendship and romance with our spouse.  Let’s start with 10 ideas for Outdoor Dates for Empty Nesters that don’t break the budget.

Take Morning or Evening Walks Together

This is a simple way to spend time together, as well as fit in a little fitness at the same time.  It doesn’t have to be a long walk.  Even if it is just around the block a few times, it gives you time together.  Unlike many other fitness activities, walking can be done no matter what your fitness level is and isn’t usually a competitive sport (although, I know there are some who can make anything competitive 😊).  Walking, especially outside, allows for easy conversation as you are always seeing new scenery.  There is something about nature that eases the mind and soul and allows your thoughts to spill out. And what is better for a relationship than communication?

Have Coffee (or Other Beverage of Choice) Together on Your Patio

Most of us do enjoy a morning kick of caffeine to get us going in the morning.  Why not spend a few minutes waking up and enjoying that hot cup of coffee and the daybreak together on your patio?  Things get hectic during most days, and starting it off peacefully with the one you love, whether talking or sitting quietly, just enjoying the new day might just help keep the rest of the day calmer.  If you’re not a morning person, or if mornings are just too busy to fit this in, evenings work just as well.  In fact, my husband and I prefer the summer evenings on the patio.  Enjoying the warm summer breeze, listening to the locusts buzzing in the trees and watching a sunset; you can’t get much better than that!

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Picnic in the Park

Picnics can be as romantic as you want with the traditional picnic basket, wine glasses, cheese and grapes or can be as ordinary as a sack lunch or picking up take out.  My husband and I have had take out picnics on several occasions. Most of the time we meet at lunch time and one of us picks up take out on the way to a local park.  It so nice to get away from work, be outside and share some time together during the middle of the day (especially on those days when the coworkers have pushed all your buttons). That added support from your spouse can make the day special.

Bike Ride to a Snow Cone Stand or Other Sweet Treat of Choice

This is one of my and my husband’s summer favorites.  A couple of years ago we bought bicycles to take leisurely rides around our neighborhood.  First, let me say if you have not ridden a bike since you were a kid, you should try again.  It is so fun. It makes you feel carefree and like a kid again and just brings you joy.  Adding in a ride to a snow cone stand, ice cream store or a neighborhood bakery makes it that much sweeter!

Hiking Nearby Trails

If you are lucky enough to live close to nature trails, state parks, or even better, the mountains; hiking trails offered at these locations is another way to get out and enjoy nature and share time together.  This is another good activity that doubles as exercise.  And who doesn’t love a good two for one!

Visit a Local Pumpkin Patch or Orchard

Whether in the spring, summer or fall, you can usually find local farms that offer access to their property to pick fruits or explore their pumpkin patches.  When visiting these farms, it is not unusual to come home with the produce from the farm.  While visiting these farms is fun on its own, you could even take this date one step further and make a pie with your bounty of fruit or have a night by a campfire carving the pumpkins and eating smores! Yum!!

Play in the Snow

This is a great one for the winter time and another one that brings out the kid in you.  My husband and I have different ways of playing in the snow.  I love to sled and build snowmen (and sometimes add a pet snowdog) and my husband likes to have snowball fights.  Since we live in a location that rarely gets snow and when we do it melts pretty quickly, we usually take full advantage of it and do as many snow activities as we can before it’s gone.   Then of course, there is nothing better than coming in and warming up by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate.

Play a Game of Tennis or Miniature Golf

Most city parks have tennis courts that you can visit and challenge your spouse to a match.  I’m not good at tennis and not competitive at sports, but it is still a great time getting out there and having fun. And for those with a little more competitive spirit, tennis is a good activity that is budget friendly.  Miniature Golf is another great activity for you to reconnect with your spouse.  It is not as fast paced as tennis, and there is usually some down time between holes for you to have conversations with each other.  Or, I guess if you are the competitive type, there may also be some good natured and fun-loving trash talk.  Remember to keep it light-hearted though, you want to make sure you both have fun and no feelings get hurt in the process.

Window Shop the Downtown Area

If you live in a small to mid-size city, visit the downtown area and window shop.  If you live in a larger city, visit a small town near your city and window shop their downtown area.  So many cities have revitalized their original downtown areas into cute and fun destinations.  We are usually so busy driving through areas to get somewhere else that don’t realize what our cities have to offer.  Make it a destination and not just someplace you drive through going somewhere else.  I bet you will be surprised at what you’ll find.

I hope you’re able to try out some of these outdoor dates for empty nesters that don’t break the budget.  Sometimes the simple, low cost dates are just as fun, maybe even more so, than elaborate and costly dates.  And unlike the more elaborate dates, many of these date ideas can fit into everyday life.  Wishing you many wonderful dates ahead to reconnect with your spouse.

I would love to hear what outdoor dates you like to do with your spouse now that you are empty nesters.

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Empty nester's outdoor date ideas.  Rekindle you and your husband's romance! #date night #empty nesters #outdoor dates
Date Night for empty nesters.  Rekindle your romance!  #date night #empty nester #outdoor dates
Empty nester's outdoor date ideas.  Rekindle you and your husband's romance! #date night #empty nesters #outdoor dates


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